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Our Responsibility


We produce environmentally friendly SC paper, which is recyclable, renewable and biodegradable. We use recycled paper and wood from sustainably managed forests in our paper production. The combination of modern facilities, optimised processes and excellent site logistics forms the foundation of our success.


At Maxauer Papierfabrik, we produce sustainable paper products of the highest quality. We take great care in selecting the raw materials used in our paper. With years of technical expertise, our highly qualified staff support our commitment to quality. We monitor and optimise our processes on a continuous basis.

To ensure that we can deliver the required paper quality to our customers, our colleagues in Quality Assurance always work with the utmost care. The process starts with the procurement of raw materials and concludes only once the customer has accepted the finished products. This way, we can guarantee the impeccable quality of our paper. We can verify our dedication to quality through the certification of raw materials and end products.

Our in-house laboratory, which focuses on product development, process management and optimisation, also guarantees the quality of our paper. Our employees strive to increase efficiency, lower costs and optimise throughput times in production. Another focus here is on researching future-oriented solutions. This includes, for example, the use of alternative input materials for paper production.

Verpackung der Rollen


Our modern, environmentally compatible paper production is aligned with Schwarz Produktion’s commitment to sustainability. We process a large portion of recycled fibres from wastepaper and thereby significantly lower the impact on the environment compared to paper products produced from fresh wood fibres. The portion of fresh wood, used to ensure high paper quality, is procured from responsibly managed forests. Our paper products therefore also carry well-known sustainability seals. For example, our EnviPress paper is certified with the Blue Angel, the environmental label of the German Federal Government.

We run our own power station on site to provide our own power. This allows us to generate more than half of the required electricity, as well as 100% of the process heat. The power station generates steam primarily from biomass, which is used to dry the paper and heat processes.

More information on operation and emission monitoring is available in our information for the public (only available in German).


Fibres can be reused many times in paper recycling.

Icon Recycling
tonnes of paper fibres are extracted from recycled paper by us annually.

PEFC label in english
FSC label in english
Blue Angel seal
Ecolabel mit Zertifikationsnummer
Our Seals


The PEFC certification confirms that the wood used comes from forests that are managed in an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable way. Our MagniPress, PubliPress and EnviPress paper is certified with the PEFC label.

Our Seals


The FSC seal stands for environmentally friendly, socially equitable and economically viable forest management worldwide. This label ensures that the wood we use in our paper comes from responsibly managed, FSC-certified forests and recycled material.

Our Seals


Our EnviPress paper is certified with the Blue Angel. The Blue Angel is Germany’s most well-known environmental label and the first of its kind worldwide. The Blue Angel identifies particularly environmentally friendly products and services. Printed matter bearing the Blue Angel label is primarily produced from recycled paper, thus conserving resources by consuming less water or energy, for example. If a proportion of fresh wood fibre is used, this comes from sustainably managed forests with high ecological standards.

Our Seals


Our MagniPress, PubliPress and EnviPress paper is certified with the EU Ecolabel. The EU Ecolabel is the official environmental label of the European Union. Products certified with the EU Ecolabel have a lower environmental impact than comparable products along multiple stages of the product life cycle.


Verladung von Papierrollen

Thanks to our location in the heart of the European market, we benefit from short transport routes. Environmentally friendly transport is right on our doorstep: Maxauer Papierfabrik is directly connected with shipping and rail transport.

On our 48-hectare plant premises, we store raw materials as well as energy sources and finished goods. We have the capacity for several thousand tonnes of finished paper. When it comes to our most important raw materials, wood and recycled paper, these can be stored both loosely and in bales: we have storage capacity for several thousand tonnes.